Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Memory Lapses Here

I've been blessed with having a memory like a trap. I joke that it's semi-photographic, as I tend to forget things like paying bills, birthdays and how old I am. Other than that, there's not much that gets past me.

My friend Gayle is always amused that I remember our college days living in rez, or the days we roomed together in Calgary like it was yesterday. I have friends who I met years ago that I remember what they were wearing the first time we met. If you're ever drunk and around me, don't tell me stuff. Chances are I'll remember it even though you don't. And it's great ammunition for blackmail or just pushing your buttons in general.

Having a good memory is a blessing,  but a double edged sword, because it's also a curse. You and I know there's things you'd like to be able to forget! Bad relationships, bad childhood, bad scenarios in general. And when you can't forget them, they sneak up on you when you least expect it and hit you with a big pang in your heart.

I'm not sure the science behind memory recall and some people being better at it than others. I do know however, that if you care about something or someone, you don't forget them or the reason those situations were important to you in the first place.

I don't eat fish, which they say improves memory, so it's not that. Must be all the cheese and Diet Coke.


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