Sunday, December 19, 2010

Things I Didn't Do

As another year end approaches, one might start to look back on the past 12 months and reflect on the things you had hoped to accomplish. Did you? Here's how much 2010 shaped up as compared to how I hoped it would.

#1) Recycle more! Is it just me or is it becoming more challenging and expensive to recycle? I have a bag full of plastic items that one day I swear I'm going to sneak out and leave in one of the neighbors recycle pick up containers. Remember when recycling plastic was free? I also have two big boxes of cardboard/paper items sitting in the front porch that give me a dirty look every time I leave the house, begging to be taken to the bin. Guess what I'll be doing on days off during the holidays? Tia gets an epic fail grade on recycling.

#2) Eat better! Well, let's see. In March I had a broken jaw and eating in general was limited to liquids or soft foods for 6 weeks. I did consume a lot of apple sauce, fruit juice and V8...and pasta, lots of pasta! Tia got a little fluffy. Then in September my braces came off and this whole new world of eating exploration began. Tia got a little more fluffier. Oh how I like my chicken wings, popcorn, pistachios and more. Tia gets an epic fail on eating better.

#3) Make some career moves UP on the ladder. I'm too ambitious for some people. I'm not ambitious enough for others (don't let your porridge hit you on the way out). Someone tells me I have a great shot at a job then gives me the runaround for 2 months. I'm aware I'm a woman, but how exactly does that disqualify me from doing an afternoon drive position? I'm sorry I just hit my head on the glass ceiling. On the upside, I did get a fine offer to sell frozen meats from home from a company in Toronto. Although I get an epic fail grade on career moves, it doesn't matter. I'm going to win the lottery anyways and will retire before I'm 40.

#4) Get married and have a kid! This one is for my mom's sake so she at least thinks I'm trying. Darn, didn't get ahead much on this one either. Epic fail. Oh well, here's to 2011? Or maybe not. In line at the Walmart on Saturday amongst the holiday rush, i'm behind this mother and her little guy sitting in the cart. He looks at me and says "You're not the boss of me!". Lesson in birth control right there I say!

#5) Let go of people who aren't healthy for your soul! I've tried and I've tried. Sometimes though, when you think you've got it licked, they show up in your life somehow someway and you can't help but feel like there's a reason for it. I'm getting there though. But still, epic fail Daniels! Stop being so nice.

#6) Take a road trip just because I can! I did accomplish one thing this year. Drove all the way down to Starbuck, Minnesota with stops in Fargo and Moorehead. Passing grade!

Morale of the story? I clearly have some work to do in 2011 :)