Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

There's an old joke: what are the similarities between a dentist and a gynecologist? They both look down big, dark holes....I know, horrible! I never said I made it up. This however is my joke: what are the similarities between a gynecologist and a hair stylist? You just get used to them doing things a certain way. Now I know that's not nearly as funny, or even the slightest bit funny at all, but it is true. Most women will tell you that if you find a hair stylist you like, don't ever lose them or move away!

My childhood was an array of Auntie Charlotte's home cuts and Toni perms. I truly am grateful no 'fro pictures have popped up yet on Facebook. Knock on wood. At the age of 17 when I flew into the adult world on my own, I started to enjoy the luxury of actual hair stylists. There was Shannon in Calgary, who when I moved to Peace River, I would bus 12 hours back to Cowtown to let her work her magic. When I moved to Lethbridge, I'd get back to Calgary to hit up Shannon whenever possible. Crossing the border over into Saskatchewan, I finally broke down to find a new stylist. I went to Carol for many years until I moved - again. The worst three years of my life living in Rosetown were blessed by Carrie's sheer touch. Being back in Regina, not gonna lie, I've played the field quite a bit! I think I've tried about 7 different stylists, of which only one really does work that makes me somewhat monogamous. Her name is Shelly, who originally comes from China. I've been told they give them names when they come to Canada. Which surprised me, because Shelly sounded so Chinese (I am being sarcastic).  Truth be told, I've cheated on her a few times. But I always find myself going back. I just can't live with the guilt, and she is one of the few who gets how my cowlick works.

One of the worst people who I ever let cut my hair...me! Sometimes if I couldn't fork out the money for a cut (cuz you have some pretty lean times in radio), I'd just cut my own hair. At first it was just straight cutting it so it looked semi even all around. Then I got fancy smancy and started doing what I called "texturing". I remember going to Carol one time and her asking me who was the last person that cut my hair because they had butchered it. To which I sheepishly replied "me". After that, I'd forewarn her that I had been cutting my own hair again. She would just laugh and thank me for my honesty. Today, I only let the pros trim my tresses. Leave it to the professionals. I will say for the record, that it's been a LONG time since I've had a Toni perm.


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