Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The First of Many

Just Because I Can

First of all, I'd like to thank my friend Krista, who inspired me to blog after reading hers. I likely won't however, be as eloquent as her. Cuz I'm a bad ass like that :)

As you already know, I'm pretty fervent in several forms of Social Media. I think I just made a word up. Fervent, where did that come from and is it really a word? It is now. Anywho...I blog on my station website, I'm a Facebook maniac and my webisodes are becoming world renowned (where is the sarcasm button on here?).   I've often said to people that there's Tia Daniels, and then there's Tia, and they really are two different people. And I hope to utilize this blog as a way to be more Tia and less Tia Daniels, if that makes sense.

So how has your week been so far? Mine, well, a lesson in how unfair life can be sometimes. All I can say is that Isabelle is pretty cool for a French chick, even though she thinks Winnipeg is colder in the winter than Regina is. Little does she know! But I gained two pieces of knowledge over the last few days about myself. One was that I used to be a person who was too nice and would let people get away with things for the sake of not wanting to upset the balance of the world. But this week, at the age of 38, I stood up for myself and it felt good. And I hope some good comes out of it, because I handled it way too diplomatically for it not to.

What else did I learn? As someone who doesn't like hugging, I let 3 different people hug me in one day. It was like Woodstock without the magic brownies. But what I walked away from this hugfest with is that you can hug someone and accomplish your mission. But if you hug someone and say something really sweet to them, it's like you just handed them a cheque for a million dollars. Robyn taught me that, and I don't think she even knows it. Not to mention she probably gave me shingles in the process, but I'll forgive her.

The morale of the story here folks is: Don't mess with the Zohan. Or you'll wind up with E'ffed up hair.


1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad to inspire you! Also happy to hear that you're learning to tolerate the hugs.
