Friday, September 17, 2010

Beiber Fever by Another Name

I'm as guilty as anyone for taking stabs at Justin Beiber and the mania that surrounds him. But I think everyone's had a Beiber in their lifetime, just by another name. Bubblegum pop is like bubble gum in general - it's got rubber in it that you can chew all you want, but it just keeps going. Bet you never thought I was such a skilled person at using metaphors huh?

When I was 15, my Justin Beiber was Tiffany and Debbie Gibson. I liked Tiffany better, she was the underdog and more of a commoner than Debbie. Debbie came from a well to do family from Long Island. One year, Tiffany was coming to do a concert in Edmonton. And being a huge fan, I knew that she was infamous for loving malls and shopping and we were going to the West Edmonton Mall on our weekend agenda. So as uncanny as it sounds, I took my autograph book in case we ran into her at the mall. What are the chances right? But as we're at the mall that day in Reitman's, I look over and there's this girl with blazing red hair and a brown leather jacket on, and sure enough, it was Tiffany! So naturally I freaked out on the spot a little, pulled out my autograph book and when over to talk to her. Much like those little girls that would be shakin' in their booties when they met Justin Beiber, I too was so excited I could have cried.

After Tiffany and Debbie Gibson, there was the New Kids on the Block, N'Sync, the Backstreet Boys, and so on. Admit it, you had your Justin Beiber too. Nothing but the hairstyles and fashion have changed. Bubblegum pop is bubblegum pop.


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