Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Listener

If I could pick one statue to epitomize my existence, I'd want it to be the "Listener". Because despite what I do for a living, when I'm not getting paid to talk, listening to someone else talk for a change, and people-watching, are two of my favorite things to do. I think that's why I like to travel so much.

You can learn a lot about someone by watching them talk. Watch their facial expressions, watch their eye movement and watch their gestures. Now turn it up a notch and listen to how they say their words and observe how they choose the words they use. You can sum a person up pretty good if you master these skills. Secretly I play this game all the time. I call it "Tia's amateur attempt at profiling". It's silly, but in my head, I'm having a blast!

Listening also puts life into perspective sometimes. Yesterday I was riding the subway in Toronto. As I stepped onto the train, I saw this guy sitting there reading his paper. He didn't appear to be Mr.Chatty Catty (not many on the subway are). But within 2 minutes of sitting down beside him, he flashed me a smile and went onto school me on the workings of the TTC. I didn't tell him I wasn't from Toronto, didn't let on that I didn't know toot sweet about the TTC or care for that matter, but just acknowledged his musings and let him talk. I didn't walk away from that conversation with much to help me in life, but it made me smile to think this guy put all his TTC rumblings out to a stranger who cared enough to listen. I bet he felt better about his day. I know I did. Good deed done Tia.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cupid Cometh Whenever

The full thrust of Valentine's Day shall be upon us tomorrow. Yet, do you ever think about how non-inclusive this holiday is? Discriminatory really if you want to be brutally honest. Is everyone in the world in love?

If you think about it, this holiday is a psychological killer. We're taught from the age of 5 and up that we should be excited about the possibility of being someone's Valentine. You may remember that anticipation of getting to school to see if you got a card from that boy or girl you had a crush on. When you didn't, how sad did that make you? Crushed at such a young age. And that's just the start. Welcome to being in love!

There are pressures that go along with this special designated day. Do you get someone flowers? If you do, what colour? What message does that send? Do you buy another gift to go with the flowers? If you don't, do you come off as cheap or inconsiderate? Do you cook supper or go out with reservations you made 6 months ago. If you didn't make reservations and stand in line for 45 min, are you an idiot for not having put enough thought into it? If you go out with someone for Valentine's Day in what you think is a platonic sense, does that send a message of another sort?

Valentine's Day is stupid. There! I've said it out loud. It's an excuse to play John Michael Montgomery songs over and over and make single people want to grab a spoon and gag themselves. It's like a mini version of life. We, as a society, are told from a young age that we have to grow up, go to university, get a career, meet someone, get married, buy a house, make babies, and then retire in Arizona or Florida.

Guess what? You don't have to follow the laid out Valentine's Day path. You can buck the trend, ignore it, and be a happy single person all you want. As long as you're happy with who you are and how your life is, why should society go "oh honey" when you tell them you don't have any special plans for February 14th. Some of you may get that HIMYM Katy Perry reference.

February 14th to me, is my sister's birthday. That's why it's special. Happy Birthday sis!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Loyalty Gets you Everywhere

I've been very lucky to have some amazing mentors over the course of my 20 year career. They taught me a lot about logistics, planning, problem solving, mechanics etc. But something no one can teach, but can exhibit by leading by example, is how to build loyalty.

To be able to build loyalty is an amazing tool to have in your deck of cards. To be loyal is a strength those above and around you admire. When you don't have loyalty, you shouldn't be in a leader's chair.

As a manager, it's important to me that everyone who works for me is a human being, not a slave. Consideration of their time, family, schedule and life in general is a code I try to abide by. I don't care if they're on the bottom of the totem pole and they only make $10 an hour. They're no less a person than I am. And as a manager, I try to be friends with my employees as well.You do have to be careful about friendships, and there's an art to where you draw the line, but it can be done.

I'm very lucky to have a great team of ladies who work for me. Most of my street team crew have been with me for at least 2 years. Jen, the vet, has been with me since we launched the station almost 3 years ago. These girls don't make a fortune, they often attend things that aren't always the most exciting to be at, and there's some pretty nasty stuff they put up with being the face we send out on the street. But they're a loyal bunch. I have girls who offer to take sick days or use their vacation days from their full time jobs so they can come work a filler last minute shift for me. I always have someone who puts their hand up when I'm in dire straits. And if I personally ever needed anything, I'm sure I could ask for their help. I've even had one of my girls say that when I leave, she leaves.

If only I could win the fight to get them a raise, I'd be happy. I'll keep trying, but until then, I'll just tell everyone how amazing they are instead and always be grateful for their loyalty.
