Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh Oprah

I wonder sometimes what it's like being in Oprah Winfrey's family. Having all your laundry put out there for the entire world to see. I also wonder how much of it is really true or to what extent. I will put my hand up right now and say I cannot stand Oprah Winfrey. Truthfully I feel like she makes half the stuff up about her life for the sake of having something sensational to put on her show for the sake of viewership numbers.

Yesterday was a perfect example of that manipulation. They teased all weekend about a "shocking family secret" coming up on Monday! Ohhhhhhhhhh, awwwwwwww. Then this shocking secret that Oprah says "shook her to the core" is that she has a half sister she just found out about! What a waste of suspense. 

I, too, have a half brother I've never met. I've known for a long time that I did. I don't remember being shook to the core when I found out. I have no desire to meet him or know where he is or what he's done with his life. I can't say the same for my mother. I know that she would love to find him and meet him and will till the day she dies. I wish I shared her heart's desire for her sake, but I just don't. I'm a believer that everything happens for a reason, and you should leave well enough alone. I have a sister who's one of my best friends and that's all the siblings I need.

I also have a half-eaten potato salad in the fridge. Maybe I should do a whole show of my own about that. Ratings grabber I say!


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