Thursday, January 6, 2011

Career Aptitude Test

When you hit grade 10, you might have gotten scheduled for a sit down with the school guidance counsellor to discuss "your future". I remember Mrs.Thorton and that tiny little dark office in a wing of the school library very well. After all the multiple choice questions one could answer, my career aptitude test suggested I go into the army or become a detective. It's ok, you can laugh out loud at that all you want, I know I did at that time!

20 years later, I think being a detective would be great! I watch Criminal Minds and NCIS all the time after all. But I did not follow those career paths. Instead I started out taking psychology. My reasoning was that I wanted to help people, but reality was, I came from a bad childhood and wanted to figure myself out moreso. That and I couldn't afford to go to university for the length of a master's degree. So I switched paths and decided to go into music production. However, somehow in my interview process, I got put into the broadcasting program instead. I thought "what the hell" and here I am today almost 20 years of radio under my belt.

I'm sure everyone questions their career path at some point. Guilty as charged! When I was living in Lethbridge in the early 2000's, I decided to look at going back to school after working in a station that was stress riddled with turmoil. I remember sitting on about the 5th hole of a golf course with my friend Linda, telling her that if I didn't get a job at the station in Medicine Hat that I had applied for, I was going back to take my New Media program which I had been accepted for. About a week later, I got the job in Medicine Hat and continued my radio path.

Present day, I often wonder where I would be if I had gone back to take that New Media program. It's a field these days that's in demand, and we radio folk know how fickle our industry is for jobs don't we? Given that situation though, would I know the people I know and have the friends I do if I had followed that path?
Catch 22 I guess.

Someday I'll figure out what I want to be when I grow up :)

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