Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Text Peeve

I'm all for text messaging, but I have a huge beef with the way some people text. I call it the American Goodbye.

You know - when you're watching American tv shows and they're on the phone. When the conversation is over, it's over. There are no goodbyes, or see ya laters. They just hang up! That's not the Canadian way.

Yet how many times have you been texting with someone and suddenly they're gone! No goodbye, no closure...the conversation is apparently just over. I hate (with a capital H) that! It's pretty easy to tell when a text conversation has run it's course. So it's up to one of the active participants to just kill it right then and there. I don't care if you lie to me and make up excuses, just do it! Tell me you have to go do laundry, tell me your favourite show just came on the OWN channel. Make an escape route and just be gone...but say goodbye before you do! Is that so much to ask??

I know this sounds like a Jerry Seinfeld rant, but surely I'm not alone here? I guess the reason I'm bringing this up is in part because I'm a hypocrite. Last night I was texting with someone and I just left. I should have said goodnight and I didn't. And it's eating me alive. Well that's an overstatement, it's bothering me like a mild itch from laundry detergent. Better?

You'll think about this the next time you're texting. You'll see.
Goodbye :)


1 comment:

  1. I'd be curious to know the official protocol on this. Text me when you find out. ;)
