Friday, January 13, 2012

Not Ready for the "What Happens If..." scenario

Yesterday morning I was in bed and just after 7am, I started experiencing sharp stabbing pains in my lower right abdomen. I was pretty sure my appendix was rupturing with the pains being like contractions, coming on every 3 to 5 minutes. As it turns out, it was probably gas or something, as I managed to go back to sleep and woke up fine. Yet after yesterday, I'm pretty sure I'm not ready for it to explode or any of my other body parts for that matter.

Here's why: I'm logistically not ready for an emergency "what if" situation. The first reason being is I hadn't plugged my car in the night before, so what if it didn't start? Then I'd have to call a cab to get the hospital. But wait, I don't have any cash on me. Do they have interac nowadays? I know other cities do, but this is Regina after all. I'd probably have to walk over to the 7-11 and take out cash and call a cab from there. Or maybe I could take the bus. No, that would be just silly. I could walk, it's not that far. But it's 20 below, screw that.

Then it occurred to me that I hadn't shaved my legs in awhile. So I'd have to get up and shower and shave my legs so that I could go to the hospital. I know that sounds silly and vain, but as women, we think about these things!

Oh, and where's my health card. Darn it, I got my renewal sticker that I was supposed to put on in December and I don't remember where I put it!

What about my cell, is it good to go? Oh look, down to one bar on the battery. Great. That's my only phone.

The moral of the story is: get your life together people! God forbid I was going into labour! The kid would be born in the shower while I was shaving my luck ;)


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