Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hillary Swank Nailed It

Last night I went to see New Years Eve. As expected, it's much like Valentines Day with it's tangents and twists of characters, of which most of their characters and scenes are not linked to other characters in the story.

Hillary Swank plays the big cheese responsible for the dropping of the ball in Times Square. Just as they're raising the ball to the top of the pole, it stops! The crowd ooooohs and awwwws. In the process of buying time, Ryan Seacrest makes an awkward speech, then later gives way to Swank's character who must give a statement to the press on the situation, which is also intended to buy time while they're working on fixing the technical issue they're having. Although we're already into the New Year, it was one of those movie speeches that you walk away from the theatre with, feeling inspired and touched. So I thought I'd share:

"'s (the ball) suspended there to remind us before we pop the champagne and celebrate the new year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by.
To remember both our triumphs and missteps, our promises made and broken. The times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what new year is all about -- getting another chance. A chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more. And stop worrying about what if and start embracing what would be. 
So when the ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other. And not just tonight but all year long."

Kind of makes you think doesn't it? Thanks Hillary.


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