Thursday, March 10, 2011

He's Purr-fect!

About 5 years ago, I took in this scrawny, beat up, scratched up stray who I named Capone because of the scars you could see on his face from his many tom-cat brawls. He was actually quite friendly for a stray, and it didn't take long to find his weak spot - belly rubs. Soon I was taking walks with my little orange guy walking right alongside me like most people would walk their dogs. He'd just follow along, happy as spit. He's still the same to this day.

One of his oddities though was that when I found him, he didn't know how to purr! He'd get excited and snort through his nose like a dragon trying to breathe fire. It was the funniest, but saddest thing, at the same time. After 5 years though, he has found his purr, although a quaint one.

Last night while in bed, he was laying on top of my leg. The world was peaceful and quiet enough that I could feel him purring and if you listened closely, you could hear his little purr. These moments in life are what make me smile.


1 comment:

  1. Ah, this is so sweet. It reminded me a little of Gomez, who has never found his meow. He just give a little squeak every now and then. Capone is so lucky that you found him!
