Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Knock On Wood

When I was a kid, my outlet was writing. I mostly wrote songs and someplace on a floppy disc I still have them. I wrote one that I thought would be perfect for Whitney Houston to cut some day. It was about a cat. Surprised?

Today, I need an outlet more than I ever have I guess. Today, I got let go from my job. Restructuring. Truthfully I've seen it coming a couple of months. You can't be a 20 yr vet in this business and not pick up the signs. I even told 2 people today that it was probably going to happen before it did. I wish I would have made a bet on it, lord knows I could use the money now!

There's an urban legend in radio that you'll get fired or let go at least once in your radio career. I was joking about being one of the lucky ones not that long ago. Knock on wood though, the jokes on me.

But you know what the great thing about being a hippy buddhist type is? You can take it for what it is. You can walk away from it knowing that it happened for a reason. You can walk away from it knowing you were destined for bigger and better things and that there's a greener pasture waiting for you somewhere else. I have and will be that person who holds my head up high and is the bigger person for it. I've always been a fighter, and my motto in life is "I'd rather say I tried then quit, than say I quit before I even tried". The worst part is it's my mom's birthday on Thursday, so that phone call is going to be tough breaking the news to her.

There are advantages to being unemployed. The dude's from the water heater place are always calling me to get into the house to check the heater. Hey, now I have time!

But more than anything today, I want to thank everyone for their kind words and support. My phone has been going off the hook with text messages and calls and my FB email is getting more action than Snooki at a masquerade ball! Thank you for that. I guess it's true what they say, you truly find out who your friends are when you get laid off. Remember that, because I might hit you up for a loan in January :)

Thanks everyone. We'll talk soon k?

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