Sunday, September 12, 2010

To Hug or Not to Hug

As some of you know, I'm not real big on hugging. You were either brought up in a hugging environment or you weren't, and I wasn't. For the most part I've learned to tolerate it, especially the last 2 or 3 years when it feels like there's been a hugging epidemic. I have a few friends from the east, and I've noticed they're chronic huggers. Give them an excuse to hug, and they're all over it!

This weekend at the CCMA's has been a hugfest. There's people you haven't seen for a year, sometimes maybe more. Next thing you know you're muttering " Oh, I guess we're hugging " and you're suddenly in full embrace. I've wondered lately on a scale of 10 what my hugging technique is, being such an amateur at it. When hugging the pros, they must think I'm a wet blanket.

Last night an interesting new twist to the story. I saw this girl from out east who is probably one of the most aggressive huggers I've ever encountered. So I expected the full court press hug, which I got. But then in the course of this hug, she also gave me a peck on the cheek! In my head I'm thinking "Did she really just do that?". It was a very European moment.

My growing concern is, is this the new trend? Hugs and pecks?? If it is, I'm going to have to get a sign to wear out in public that loudly proclaims " 3 feet of personal space please ". It's decided. Thanks CCMA's.


1 comment:

  1. Hmm... that is a new twist! I haven't tried that yet. As you know, I'm an unrepentant hugger, but you're not alone in not getting it. One of my co-workers has a No Hugs sign on her desk at the office, which probably comes in handy because everyone is always hugging at my office. You would hate the non-profit sector!
