Monday, September 27, 2010

Tick Tick Tick

It's a good thing my mother isn't internet friendly, because she'd be disappointed in me for this blog. This is the mother who wants me to have kids so bad, she even told me to "just go get pregnant" and "you don't have to be married to have a baby Tia". My mother is pretty cool in a lot of ways, a little off-kilter in many ways too lol.

Ironically I was talking to someone the other day about the ticking of the clock. I'm closing in on 40 and that presents physical challenges  in carrying a baby. My friend Kimmy had a baby at 36 and it was a difficult process. I'm not so good with pain, I'm not so good with doctors, and I don't enjoy the thought of a room full of people looking down the rabbit hole while I'm sweaty, in pain and pushing for 18 hours. Further to that, if I have a few beers and feel a little bloated, I start whining. Throw a baby in my tummy in the picture....yeah, I wouldn't want to be around me either.

It's not to say that I don't think about it. More and more I have thought about the possibility of adopting. I've established my career well enough that financially it would be feasible. But then I start wondering if I'm really ready for that kind of commitment. I like spending money on myself, I like sleeping in, I like being in quiet places, I like being in my pajamas all day, I like eating sandwiches and rarely have vegetables in the house, I like booking a plane ticket on Thursday and flying away for the weekend on Friday, I like drinking beer and I'm pretty good at it, and lastly, I like my life the way it is. Is it really the right time to throw a little bambino into that picture? Does the world really need another hippy child? I should re-phrase that - does the world really need a Tia hippy child?

I think the correct answer Alex is, Tia should wait a couple more years and ask these questions again. Ironically as I write this, Brad Paisley "Anything Like Me" is playing. Go figure!


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