Friday, November 18, 2011

I'm a Wimp

Another snowy, blustery day in Saskatchewan. On days like today, I don't envy anyone who has to drive on the highways. Yesterday, I cancelled my plans to go to Saskatoon because of the snow and wind.

5 years ago, I would have been a road warrior. These days, I'm just a wimp. If you don't have to drive in stuff like this, why do it? That's my theory. I think I got soured on winter driving when I was living in Rosetown. I was driving the station vehicle back from a trade show in Eatonia. I wasn't going overly fast, but hit a patch of black ice and did a 180 into the ditch. I took a deep breath, put the vehicle in gear, and drove back up onto the highway. About 5 minutes later, deja vu - almost the exact same thing! Only this time my drivers side was quickly slamming towards an elevated train track slope. I thought I was pretty much doomed, so I just closed my eyes and waited for it to happen. Just like the movies though, my vehicle came to a stop just before the hill. I waited about 5 secs, opened my eyes, realized I was alive, and just sat there breathing deep breaths. Needless to say, I was pretty shaken up the rest of the drive. About a week later, the office manager came downstairs to ask me if I my drivers license for her to make a copy of. Apparently they had forgotten to put me on the vehicle insurance when they hired me. This whole time I had no insurance should something have happened to me - you know, like hitting the ditch twice in one day!

I have to admit though, I love finding a big parking lot with lots of snow and doing doughnuts! Cuz I'm cool like that :)


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