I often get asked "how's the Paleo diet going?" This great adventure was my New Year's resolution to travel a path of better eating habits. For those who aren't familiar with Paleo, it's a meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts based low carb diet. Grains, dairy, refined sugars and alcohol are not included in your scope of food choices. It's basically a diet driven to remove all the processed garbage out of your fridge and cupboards.
Have I managed to stick to my resolution? I'm proud to say that yes, after 3 months, I'm still living a Paleo lifestyle. I go through Pistachios like you wouldn't believe and have mastered a Paleo banana bread/muffin recipe that's become a weekend ritual - completely sugar free and made with coconut flour. Having said that, I'm not a pure Paleo eater. I'd call myself 90% Paleo. Being committed to a diet such as this requires a lot of will-power and determination, and it's not to say that I don't have either of those. I just believe in rewarding myself with treats on the weekend for a job "well-done" for sticking to meat and salad during the work-week with broccoli and cauliflower rotated in here and there. Coffee has also remained a part of my daily ritual.
If you've ever thought about converting to a Paleo lifestyle, I would heed some warnings to consider into your decision to try it or not. First of all, this type of diet requires a lot of meal planning I've found. I prepare a supper each night that needs to be large enough that I can take left-overs for lunch the next day. If you don't have lunch, it's very difficult to just go someplace and buy a Paleo meal and it's not like you can just have a sandwich, given that you can't eat bread. Salads, as much as they are a large part of my weekly diet, don't have enough calories to contribute to the daily requirement so you shouldn't become dependant on just eating them as a meal alone. Also take into consideration who you share your household with. Not everyone is going to buy into your Paleo diet as being something that's fit for them. Thus you may find yourself also having to prepare meals that encompass everyone's needs, not just your own stripped down feast. Cost will also be a huge factor to consider as well. I'll be quite blunt about it - it's not cheap to eat as much meat, vegetables and fruits as I consume on a weekly basis. Not to mention that Paleo substitutes such as coconut flour, coconut oil and almond butter are quite costly.
There have been some definite positives to eating as well as I have for the last three months. The first thing I noticed was how much better I fall asleep at night. Prior to this, I would often take an hour before being able to actually fall asleep. Now, it's pretty much as soon as my head hits the pillow. Another advantage has been in my physical appearance. Before turning to Paleo, I would often break out on my chin with acne that was under the skin that would linger for the longest time. Now, I experience very few break-outs. I do notice though, that if I get a little too crazy with my weekend treats, it doesn't take long for the white-heads to start appearing, so treats in "moderation" has become my theme. The other big change has been a nice weight-loss. I should mention that by no means did I start on this diet to lose weight and truthfully I don't even know how much I've lost as I didn't really set a starting point. But all my pants are getting quite loose and my shirts are much less snug, so it's been a slow, gradual loss. Was I fluffier than I would have liked prior to this diet? Yes. Now I just feel more comfortable with where my weight is for a 40-year old woman who's metabolism has slowed down quite a bit in the last few years. I'm eager for spring and summer to get here so I can start incorporating more exercise into this lifestyle to see the benefits, but also be challenged by what adjustments to my diet I may have to make.
In summary, Paleo definitely isn't for everyone. It takes a lot of commitment to hold yourself true to the path and honestly some days, I just want a grilled cheese sandwich like nobody's business! I'm not yet convinced that you should live a life without any grains in your diet, and at some point, I may start gradually working some non-Paleo foods back into my diet. The one thing I know for sure? I could NEVER go back to eating the way I was before the start of this year. It's pretty amazing to start reading food labels, learning about ingredients, and realize what exactly is in some of the stuff you may be putting on your plate for the sake of convenience. I may not always be Paleo, but I do believe I will always have a healthier diet thanks to trying it.