Thursday, May 26, 2011

And the Wiener Is....

Terri-Ann, one of my old roomies in Lethbridge, used to call them Mystery Tubes. I have friends in Toronto who call them Street Meat. Whatever you call a wiener or hot dog is completely up to you and your imagination.

Here's the thing: we all have our visions of pigs feet and horse lips in wieners, but they've been a life-saver the last couple of days. I've had an on-going stomach ache for about 3 days now. The first day I was afraid to eat anything. By the second day, I had to eat something. My diet yesterday consisted of hot dogs and pro-biotics yogurt. I can't make this stuff up. And it was actually the first night I went to bed without pains shooting through my stomach all night.

We'll just chalk it up to that whole Mystery Tube thing and leave it at that.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Election Nerves

In 1995, I remember sitting on my living room floor in my house in Moose Jaw that had no furniture. The radio life, don't ask.
It was the referendum on Quebec sovereignty, whether Quebec should seperate to become an independant state, or remain a part of Canada. Do you remember that? I'll never forget it, mostly because the results were so close: 49.44% "Yes" to 50.56% "No". I was honestly scared for the future of our country that night.
I feel those same nerves today on the eve of our election. I sincerely hope we've done a better job at stirring up those apathetic voters and encouraged our youth enough that both will continue to take a vested interest in our country's direction this election and all elections in my lifetime. Here's hoping.