Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Me Time is the Best Time

Last week I did one of my quarterly trips to Toronto, stayed at my usual hotel, and went to the usual places I go. But this time was different, and I'll tell you why!

A few years ago, I had a boss tell me that although they appreciated my devoted passion for the station, they felt I was investing too much of my personal time and being into the workplace, and wasn't allowing myself much "Tia Time". Having grown up with a very strong work ethic, what is this "Tia Time" you speak of? Shame on you!

The older I get however, the more I do make "Tia Time". Most times when I go to Toronto, I call all my friends to say "hey, let's get together" and plan some good quality time with them and usually wind up with some pretty decent sized beer tabs to expense. This trip was a me trip though, so unless someone reached out to me, it was going to be ALL ABOUT ME. I felt bad at having missed seeing some people, but I also felt pretty relaxed by the time Monday rolled around. It wasn't about going there to socialize and take in all these events, but moreso about clearing my head, getting it on straight, and breathing a little bit. And as crazy as it sounds, even something as annoying as riding the Subway was refreshing. And not once did I have a single alcoholic beverage. I know! WTF.

Thank you to those friends who did reach out, you are the best and a big part of the reason I like coming out. To those who didn't call, you're bastards! Ha ha kidding. We'll see you next time...and for everyone else, try it. Go away one weekend and just enjoy some "you time".


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What's with Hickies?

I was in line at a store last night behind this woman. She must have been in her 30's, yet her neck was marked up both sides with hickies.

What's the deal with hickies?? I've never had a single one in my life. I had a high school friend who'd come to school everyday with a new hickie it seemed. I guess when we were younger, a hickie was a rite of passage to show you were popular? What the F does having a hickie when you're in your 30's mean?

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making out. But really...gross. If you want to show someone she's your girl, buy her jewelery. I'm sure she'd like that much better. I know I would.
